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Educational Toys


Mathematics Teacher Workshops

List of Topics
(*Additional topics can be customised according to school’s needs)

Designing Creative Mathematical Open-Ended Tasks for Primary Students (3 hours)
Keys to Effective Mathematical Problem Solving for Primary Teachers (3 hours)
Enhancing Primary Mathematics Teachers Questioning Techniques (3 Hours)
Promoting Journal Writing in Primary Mathematics Classroom (3 hours)
Test Items and Assessment Tasks for the Thinking Curriculum (3 hours)
Engaging Primary Students through Mathematical Reasoning (3 hours)
Activity-Based Lessons for Primary Students (3 hours)
Integrating Mathematical Games in the Primary Mathematics Lessons (3 hours)
Effective use of Tangram to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Primary Mathematics (3 hours)
Promoting Polya’s Four Stages of Problem Solving (3 hours)
Use of Games for Learning Mathematics (3 hours)
Finger Arithmetic Training for Teachers (3 Hours)
Geometer’s Sketchpad Programme for Teachers (3 Hours)
Helping Low-Achieving Students in Mathematics (3 hours)
Higher Order Thinking Skills and Mathematical Olympiad
Pattern Gazing (3 hours)
Arithmetic (3 hours)
Number Theory I (3 hours)
Number Theory II (3 hours)
Decision Mathematics I (3 hours)
Decision Mathematics II (3 hours)
Geometry I (3 hours)
Geometry II (3 hours)
Child-Centred Mathematics Lessons (3 hours)
Engaging Students’ Spatial Visualisation in Primary Mathematics (3 hours)

After Programme Support

Feedback Report Analysis and a soft copy of the Digital Photos taken during the Programme would be provided.

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