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Problem Solving Heuristics for Primary Mathematics (3 hours)
This seminar is targeted at parents of primary school children who are interested to find out about the changing nature of mathematics problems their children are required to solve in school. This seminar would help parents to identify ways to help their children in handling these problems. The seminar would focus on the use of the ‘model approach’, a method that is widely taught in Singapore schools. A few increasingly common heuristics would also be covered. Suggestions on how to help children who are not so adept at the model method and what questions to ask their children when they run into difficulties would be given. Problems used are actual examination questions.
Solving Primary Mathematics Word Problems Using Model Method (3 hours)
This seminar seeks to highlight the reasons for using model method to solve word problems. Participants will experience solving word problems involving model method. Ideas and approaches to prepare your child to solve word problems involving model method will be presented. Challenging word problems using model method will also be shared. This seminar will also examine the techniques and processes of solving mathematical problems using model method.
Strategies to Help your Child in PSLE Mathematics (3 hours)
This seminar will explain how parents could maximise their child’s potential in PSLE Mathematics. The seminar will also show how parents could assist their children in solving problem sums. In addition, various heuristics in solving challenging problems will be discussed and shown. The speaker will use the actual past PSLE problems to explain the different abilities that your child is expected to demonstrate in these PSLE mathematics problems. Tips and strategies will be presented to the parents in assisting their child to learn mathematics.
Help Your Kids Develop Positive Habits of Mind (3 hours)
Why does a child have difficulties with problem solving? Why is it that children who understand us when we explain a problem solution to them cannot solve a problem when left on their own? In this seminar, parents will get answers to some of the above questions.
This seminar will help parents develop good thinking in their children. Such habits of mind will translate into ability to handle unusual situations. Parents will learn how to help their children understand a problem and go through a solution process. The seminar does not aim to make teachers out of parents but aims to offer insights into how parents can play a long-term role in the development of their children's thinking. The seminar will use mathematics problems as a basis for discussion.
Little Kids, Big Maths: Developing Strong Foundation in Maths in Fun Ways (3 hours)
The focus of this seminar is to help young children develop a strong foundation in mathematics in ways that are enjoyable for both children and parents. Parents would be engaged in a range of activities that they would be able to use with their own children. These activities were developed based on how children learn in a positive and encouraging environment. These activities include those that use different types of intelligences - some that involve integration with art, language and science, as well as others that incorporate creative and critical thinking. The materials would suggest to parents that indeed little kids could handle big maths! Parents may want to enroll their children in a concurrent seminar run by a group of competent energetic trainers. There would be ample opportunities for informal interaction with the speaker, as well as a question-and-answer session.
Feedback Report Analysis and a soft copy of the Digital Photos taken during the Programme would be provided.